Presley General Insurance Agency


Tips and strategies to help you grow your insurance business.

6 Ways for Health Insurance Agents to Revamp Their Email Marketing Strategy

You know that staying on top of trends, and incoporating them into your marketing strategy, will help you continue to reach your target audience. And while email marketing is certainly…

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Employers: Take Note of These ACA Deadlines

Now that tax season is starting, employers face a number of deadlines. In particular, it’s important to know which forms you must file with the IRS, per ACA regulations, and…

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What to Do if You’re Turning 65 This Year

If you’re turning 65 this year, congratulations! You’ve hit a milestone in your retirement planning, and you might be getting close to your target retirement date (if you haven’t already…

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What You Can Do During Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment

Throughout the fall, from October 15 to December 7, you had the opportunity to make changes to your Medicare plan if you desired. But some of you missed that deadline,…

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