How to Communicate with Employees About Their Benefits

In today’s ever-evolving job market, companies are not only focused on attracting top talent but also on retaining it. While a robust employee benefits package is essential, the key lies…

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5 Reasons to Offer Health Benefits to Your Employees

As a business owner, it probably seems obvious that offering a healthcare plan to your employees would benefit them in a number of ways. But did you know that enrolling…

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Agents: Keep These Things in Mind When Working With Seniors

When selling Medicare plans, you’re obviously marketing exclusively to seniors. And there are a few common misconceptions and mistakes you want to avoid with this target demographic. First of all,…

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7 Ways to Use Email to Market to Medicare Clients

If you want to reach out to each member of your target demographic, delivering messages that help to further your relationship with them, email is the way to go. Today,…

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6 Ways for Health Insurance Agents to Revamp Their Email Marketing Strategy

You know that staying on top of trends, and incoporating them into your marketing strategy, will help you continue to reach your target audience. And while email marketing is certainly…

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Employers: Take Note of These ACA Deadlines

Now that tax season is starting, employers face a number of deadlines. In particular, it’s important to know which forms you must file with the IRS, per ACA regulations, and…

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The 5 Steps of an Agent’s Medicare Sales Funnel

As an insurance agent specializing in Medicare, you know that gathering and nurturing leads toward a sale requires a considerable investment of your time. The great thing about online marketing…

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Putting Your Medicare Sales Process on Auto Pilot

When you’re working in insurance sales, you know that prospective clients have a lot of questions. That’s no surprise; insurance can be a complex business, and the general layperson does…

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The Importance of a Sales Funnel

Insurance agents who specialize in Medicare understand the value of gathering leads online. The over-65 crowd is using the internet daily. They use the net to communicate via email, search…

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Why Insurance Agents Need a Website

Insurance agents tend to be people-oriented, extroverted types. You want to help your clients by matching them to the right insurance products, and you thrive on answering their questions and…

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