6 Things Your Medicare Website Absolutely Must Have
More and more seniors are spending time online, and they frequently are looking for Medicare information. When constructed correctly, your website can help you provide that information, gradually nurture visitors, and help you turn them into sales. Even when you’re not on the clock, your website can be hard at work for you. But what does “constructed correctly” mean? What features does your website need in order to function optimally and bring in as many new clients as possible?
The following six features are not only essential components of your website; they all work together to create a fluid Medicare sales process.
Authoritative content. This is the content your audience is seeking when they discover your website. Give them answers to their questions about Medicare, and they will come to view you as an authority on the subject. Providing valuable content helps you to build a relationship with this demographic.
Gated content. Provide a highly-valued format for learning about Medicare, such as a video series, webinar, or ebook. Ask your website visitors to fill out a brief contact form in exchange for accessing this information, and now you can reach out to them directly and deepen the relationship.
Lead nurturing. Technically, this component of the marketing process isn’t on your website, but it’s an important part of the process. Once you’ve gathered contact information from your visitors, you will send them a series of carefully crafted emails. These emails continue to educate them on Medicare options, and help to nurture leads into sales.
Calls to action. Sometimes website visitors just need a little push in order to take action. Clear and concise calls to action instruct visitors to sign up for an email newsletter, call you, or take other actions that help you turn leads into sales.
Testimonials. Word-of-mouth advertising is still one of the most powerful ways to generate new leads, and testimonials serve as an online version. In fact, 84 percent of internet users say that online reviews influence their decisions as much as personal recommendations. Your website should include positive remarks from satisfied customers in order to build your legitimacy.
Mobile optimization. Yes, the Medicare crowd use smartphones! Your website must be optimized for mobile viewing, so that your information is presented clearly and is easy to navigate.
We have solutions for helping you to get a quality website up and running quickly and affordably. If you have questions or are looking for assistance, the team at PGIA is here to help. Let’s schedule an appointment to talk!
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