New Contribution Limits for 2023

Your group benefits plan offers you a number of opportunities to save money while reducing your potential tax liability. You’re free to use these benefits to the extent that you…

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5 Ways to Gather New Medicare Leads

In order to sell Medicare policies, you first need contact with fresh leads. But how do you gather quality, motivated leads from your target demographic? No, you don’t have to…

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3 Digital Marketing Tips Insurance Brokers Need to Know

Digital marketing will help you reach you target audience online, opening up a world of opportunity to you. But like anything else, digital marketing is a tool that must be…

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5 Surprising Benefits of Enrolling in a Life Insurance Policy

Most people know that a life insurance policy will provide a cash payout, or “death benefit”, to your designated beneficiaries after you pass away. They can then use that money…

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3 Best Practices for Marketing to Medicare Clients

These days, even Baby Boomers are spending a lot of time online! The pandemic changed a lot about how we live, including staying home more, the explosion of telemedicine, and…

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9 Facebook Marketing Tips for Insurance Agents

Much of your interaction with clients focuses on the bottom of the sales funnel. They call you up, explain their health insurance needs, and you help them locate a policy…

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5 Benefits of Cash Value Life Insurance

The most useful life insurance policy will be one that matches your needs. Having said that, people sure do have a lot of unique needs! That’s why the insurance market…

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6 Things Your Medicare Website Absolutely Must Have

More and more seniors are spending time online, and they frequently are looking for Medicare information.  When constructed correctly, your website can help you provide that information, gradually nurture visitors,…

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9 Ways for Insurance Agents to Market on Facebook

Once your phone rings, you know how to match a potential client with the right Medicare plan for their situation. But what comes before that phone rings? Where do you…

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Agents: How to Stay Productive Outside of AEP

For insurance agents who sell Medicare plans, the Annual Election Period can feel like sprinting through a marathon. But during the rest of the year, everything shifts back to an…

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