Protecting Your Future with Long-Term Care Insurance

As we journey through life, unforeseen circumstances and challenges can arise, especially in retirement. Long-term care insurance has emerged as a crucial financial tool that offers peace of mind and…

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What Are the Differences Between Large Group and Small Group Health Insurance?

If you’re a business owner investigating your group health insurance options, you will quickly realize you need to answer a series of questions to narrow your options. One of the…

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9 Tips to Stay Safe in Summer Heat

It seems that most of the country is suffering from a heat wave at the moment, and we’re all turning on the AC or headed to the beach. Whether you…

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12 Reasons You Might Be Able to Change Your Health Insurance Plan

We’re now halfway through 2023, and that means halfway through your health insurance coverage year. Open enrollment is still a few months away, and at that time you can make…

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Why You Should Check on Your Health Insurance Subsidy Mid-Year

Millions of people receive a subsidy to help with the cost of their healthcare plan premiums, through the Advance Premium Tax Credit (APTC), but they could end up owing money…

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What is Prior Authorization and How Does It Work?

Sometimes you might visit your doctor, and learn that you must seek something called “prior authorization” for a medication or procedure. What is this, and why do you need it?…

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Things New Business Owners Need to Know About Group Health Insurance

There’s a lot to learn when you first start a business. And then, as your business grows and expands, you might be subject to new rules and regulations. Health insurance…

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What to Do When You Can’t Get a Doctor Appointment

We’ve all been there. You desperately need to go to the doctor, but they don’t have any appointments available. Or perhaps the office is too far away, you lack transporation,…

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Tracking Your Medical Expenses Helps at Tax Time

Medical expenses are climbing for many of us. And for those on a fixed income (like retirees) or for young families with more limited income, finding every break you can…

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4 Reasons Employers Should Consider Offering HSAs to Employees

If you’ve opted to provide your employees with a group healthcare plan, you’ve taken an important step toward protecting them and providing a benefit they surely value. But not all…

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