Putting Your Medicare Sales Process on Auto Pilot

When you’re working in insurance sales, you know that prospective clients have a lot of questions. That’s no surprise; insurance can be a complex business, and the general layperson does not always understand how insurance policies work. Of course, answering these questions provides you with a connection to your leads. If they feel satisfied with your answers, and view you as knowledgeable and friendly, they will likely seek you out when it’s time to choose an insurance policy.

But with Medicare sales, most new leads need the same information. They need to know things like…

  • What are the Medicare enrollment periods?
  • What are the different “parts” of Medicare?
  • What are Medicare Advantage plans?
  • What is the difference between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage?
  • What are Medicare Supplement plans?
  • Why do I need a broker to make decisions about my Medicare coverage?

Insurance agents who specialize in Medicare will find themselves answering these same questions, and others like them, over and over. It might seem repetitive, but it makes sense; Medicare is a complex government program, and it can be confusing to those who are just becoming eligible.

The good news is, these questions actually offer you an inroad toward your target audience. Answer these questions, and you will be the next person they call when it’s time to enroll in Medicare and choose a policy.

And the best news of all? You can deliver this information automatically, via an email drip campaign. An email drip campaign helps you to educate your target audience and answer their most common questions, but while saving enormous amounts of time. Instead of answering the phone each time a lead has a question, you can construct a series of emails that can be sent to hundreds or even thousands of contacts.

Email drip campaigns definitely provide you a way to work smarter, not harder. Yes, setting up the campaign takes a bit of work, but then it can be used over and over. Emails automatically go out to contacts that you save in your database, saving you considerable time and effort on educating them. Leads arrive at your office, on the phone, or on video conference, already educated and ready to choose a policy.

If that sounds good, contact us to learn more about an email drip campaign. We can help you save time and effort, while maximizing your sales results.

Posted by PGIA
3 years ago / October 5, 2021