The Importance of a Sales Funnel

Insurance agents who specialize in Medicare understand the value of gathering leads online. The over-65 crowd is using the internet daily. They use the net to communicate via email, search for information relevant to their lives, and participate in social media. All of these platforms offer insurance agents lucrative opportunities to meet up with prospective clients. But then what?

Gathering leads is only the first step of the process. As anyone working in sales will tell you, leads must be nurtured over time. Some will arrive already educated and ready to make a purchase, but most require more information on your products and services. They also want to develop trust in your abilities as the insurance expert, so that they feel comfortable seeking your guidance about very important decisions.

That’s what the sales funnel is for. Picture a funnel. At the top, leads are gathered from a variety of sources; often, a landing page on your website will do the trick. You capture their contact information so that you can reach out to them later… But then what?

Each lead must proceed through the funnel at their own pace. Most will come to you with questions about different Medicare plans and the options available to them. Regularly reaching out to your leads via an email campaign is the best way to slowly educate and nudge them toward the bottom of the sales funnel. At that point, a decision is made, and you earn a new client.

But of course, sending all of those emails requires quite a bit of your time. That’s where an automated, or “drip” email campaign comes into play. Once you establish a series of emails, designed to nurture a new relationship with leads, you then set it up to automatically communicate with your leads for you. You do all the work just once, and now every lead follows essentially the same path down the sales funnel.

Want to know more? Give us a call, and we’ll discuss our comprehensive marketing packages with you. We can set you up with the tools you need for success in the Medicare sales world.

Posted by PGIA
3 years ago / August 17, 2021